My awesome weekend!
On Sunday 28th of June, my family and I went to my favourite restaurant “Hansan” to eat.
I slowly walked to the table which had a couch on the right side and a plastic but hard chairs. I down on one of the chairs as it was about to be stuck to a wall.
My mum ordered her food. she ordered her food. She ordered some soup with raw, thick and hard noodles that was soaked with an acid-tasting lemons to make it tasty. Gillian wanted a mouth watering soup with tender, juicy pork and a sprinkle of tiny flakes of ginger. For me it looked like a nanometer of ginger flakes. Finally it was my turn, I ordered P10 which was a pork dish with secret ingredients and a dip that was sweet including a really warm soup.
We waited and waited, I was starving! Minutes later, the food arrived, I was hungry like a wolf (not just hungry but fierce!). We then ate, I started with the soup, I took a spoonful of it and took a sip, It was really tasty! Five minutes later, I ate the tender meat with the rice. My mouth was in flames! It wasn't spicy hot but it was sizzling hot, my mouth felt an inferno! My mouth was in combustion. I had to drink frosty water to neutralize or eliminate the burning sensation, my mouth became frozen and I had a terrible brain freeze!
When we got to the house, Cesar was crying but not sobbing because he missed us. We heard
him crying near the glass door. When we unlocked it, he was overfilled with joy but, the joy was to OP, it made run around the living room like mad!
I then watched Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2. Flint was looking for the Flisudfr with a weird person. Brent was eating the camera guy’s soup when Flint karate chopped it off Brent’s hand. The camera guy sadly said “No one has ever rejected my soup”. The following parts of the movie was when the ape was on their side and Flint saved the living food by returning the Flisudfr.
This weekend was really fun. I wish I had more fun next weekend with my mum and my sister.
We are learning to understand and use descriptive language in my weekend recount.
I know I can do this when I use metaphors and similes in my writing.