
Friday, 20 May 2016

My seedling needs extra nutrients to grow!

How to transfer a seedling from a pot to a garden bed:

You will need:
  • Trowel
  • Flat garden bed
  • Sheep pellets
  • Water - (diluted worm wee - optional)
  • Sunlight
  • Soft garden gloves
  • Oxygen
  • Seedling in pot
  • Shade
  • Watering can
1. Put on your garden gloves.
2. Find a spot in your garden to re-plant your seedling. Tip: Make sure your seedling isn’t planted on other growing seeds. Also, make sure you plant your seedling in a spot where it will get the sun or the shade that it needs.
3. Use your trowel to spade your great garden spot.
4. Drop your tiny sheep manure inside the hole to give your seedling extra nutrients.

5. Carry your seedling carefully to the hole and carefully hold the top your seedling inbetween your middle finger and your index finger to tap it out.
Image result for seedling
6. Tip it over carefully, while still holding the seedling and squeeze the pot gently and tap the bottom of the pot repeatedly until the seedling drops out from the pot.

7. Place the seedling inside the hole and cover up the base of the seedling with the surrounding soil.

8. Fill your watering can with water (you can add diluted worm wee to give it extra nutrients that it needs).

9. Water your seedling and place all the tools that you have used back to where you are storing them.

Learning intention: We are learning to write a procedure.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I write the steps for replanting a seedling.

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