
Friday, 23 October 2015

Do you know how to use the atlas?

How to find places using the atlasImage result for map
You will need:
1x atlas
1x flat table (optional)

1. Look for the index of the atlas that is in the back pages of the book.
2. Find the first letter of the name of the country or city (for example, E for England, Europe).
3. Once you have found the name of the country or the city, read across for the page number and the coordinates (for example, 45 C4).
4. Go to the page number in the atlas.
5. Use the coordinates on the border of the map and line them up to find the country or the city.

Hint: The place you’re looking for is near the line that you’ve lined up.

We are learning to develop researching skills using the atlas.
I know I can do this when I explain how we can find a country or city using the atlas.

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