
Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Can you draw a picture of a pony?

Pony drawings
On the 26th of March, I drew one of my best pony drawings!

First, I had to think very hard about the features of my pony. I had to think about the gender, hairstyle and colours of my pony. I made the decision, I was going to draw a colt (which is a young pony. However, as I drew and improved my pony’s hair, he changed into a filly! Later on, I decided to create a musician pony as it reminded of the DJ pony called Vinyl Scratch in ‘My Little pony’.

Soon I began shading and darkening my filly’s hair with a blunt pencil. I called her Windy Storm because she had wind trails with a lightning strike as her cutie mark. I drew Windy a pair of pegasus wings, making her a weather pony! Her legs were slender and her proud eyes looked at me from the paper. She had a nervous smile, but wonderful hair behind her small ears.

Next, I moved onto her first flying picture. She had a neutral smile which had a small blush on her nose. She had a face that reminded me of Octavia Melody.
Her hair was slightly longer than my first drawing.

Then, I drew her final drawing of her in the sky. The picture of Windy storm was blurry. She held onto a necklace with gems inside it shaped like swords. She looked like she was flying. I tried to darken her cutie mark because I am thinking of showing it to my teacher.

Finally, I turned the paper around and drew a colt. He had a similar glasses that Vinyl has. I named him Crotchet Disc because he was going to be a DJ. He was a Unicorn who had a personal crush on Wind. I didn’t want to colour them in because I didn’t want my hands to get sore. I drew different outfits to on them to show to my teacher.

Drawing pony drawings was very hard! Next time, I’m going to improve Windy and Crotchet’s outfits because I want be an artist one day.

Learning intention: We are learning to understand and use descriptive language in our recount.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I use appropriate adjectives to describe my weekend.

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